October 6, 2024

Winning the New Hampshire Primary: A Crucial Step for Nikki Haley’s Presidential Campaign

3 min read

The New Hampshire Primary is a crucial event in the race for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is one of the contenders in this race, and she faces a significant challenge in winning the primary. In order to secure the nomination, Haley must perform exceptionally well in the highly populated areas of Manchester, Nashua, Concord, and Bedford.

Manchester, Nashua, Concord, and Bedford are the four cities in New Hampshire with the highest raw vote in the 2016 primary. These cities were responsible for 16% of the total votes in the 2016 primary. Moreover, they are home to 17% of the state’s total “undeclared” voters, who can choose to fill out either a Democratic or Republican ballot.

The importance of these cities lies in their significance as must-win areas for Haley’s campaign. In the 2016 primary, Trump won all but one of Iowa’s 99 counties, with the exception being Johnson County, where Haley came out ahead by a single vote. The results from Iowa illustrate the divide in the GOP, with rural voters turning out for Trump and cities being crucial for his opponents.

In New Hampshire, Haley must post strong results in Manchester, Nashua, Concord, and Bedford to make a race of it. Manchester, the largest city in New Hampshire, had a vote share of 37.3% for Trump in the 2016 primary. The combined “Republican establishment” vote, which included former Ohio Governor John Kasich, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Senator Marco Rubio, and Carly Fiorina, had a vote share of 39.2%. Haley will need to outperform these numbers to make a significant impact in the primary.

Nashua, the second-largest city in New Hampshire, had a vote share of 35.2% for Trump in the 2016 primary. The combined Republican establishment vote had a vote share of 43.9%. Haley will need to perform better than the establishment in Nashua to gain momentum in the primary.

Concord, the state capital, had a vote share of 28.8% for Trump in the 2016 primary. The combined Republican establishment vote had a vote share of 50.5%. Haley will need to significantly outperform the establishment in Concord to make a dent in Trump’s lead.

Bedford, an affluent suburb of Manchester, is particularly important for Haley. This town is home to the types of voters most likely to vote for her. Bedford also flipped to Biden in the 2020 general election, marking the first time a Democratic presidential candidate won there since at least 1972. Haley will need to perform exceptionally well in Bedford to make a strong statement in the primary.

The college towns of Hanover and Durham are also crucial areas for Haley. Hanover, home to Dartmouth University, had a vote share of 24 points for former Ohio Governor John Kasich in the 2016 primary. Trump took Durham, but only by 3.5 points over Kasich. Haley will need to do much more than win in these small towns to keep the race competitive.

The last polls close at 8 PM, and results will start coming in at 7 PM ET. Early returns will mostly come from rural areas, so it is essential to be aware that they may not be representative of the overall vote. Democracy 24 will continue on Fox News Channel all day and throughout the evening, providing insights from the Fox News Voter Analysis and the Fox News Decision Desk, which will call the race.

In conclusion, for Nikki Haley to take the New Hampshire Primary “Gold,” she must do well in Manchester, Nashua, Concord, and Bedford. These cities are crucial areas for her campaign, and strong performances in these areas will provide valuable clues about the strength of her overall vote. Haley’s ability to outperform the establishment in these cities will be a significant factor in determining her chances in the primary.

The New Hampshire Primary is a crucial step for Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign, and her performance in Manchester, Nashua, Concord, and Bedford will be closely watched by the Republican Party and the nation as a whole. The results from these cities will provide valuable insights into Haley’s ability to compete with Trump and her overall viability as a presidential candidate.

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