September 20, 2024

Unraveling the Secrets Behind the Brewing of Tastier Non-Alcoholic Beer

4 min read

The world of beer has seen a significant shift in consumer preferences towards healthier and non-alcoholic alternatives. This trend is fueling innovation as brewers explore ways to mimic the taste of traditional beer without the presence of alcohol. Brewing non-alcoholic beer presents a unique challenge, as alcohol plays a crucial role in giving beer its sweet, warming, full-bodied taste and affecting how other flavor compounds evaporate. In this article, we delve into the secrets behind the brewing of tastier non-alcoholic beer.

Firebrand Brewing Company, based in Launceston, Cornwall, is one of the pioneers in the non-alcoholic beer market. Co-owner Joe Thomson shares his experience, “We weren’t sure what to expect when we launched our first non-alcoholic beer, Shorebreak, in 2022. But it is now our biggest selling canned beer by a long way.” The growing demand for non-alcoholic beer is reflected in the UK market, with Mintel estimating a 28.7% retail sales value growth and a 18.8% volume sales growth over 2021-23.

One of the most widely used approaches to brewing non-alcoholic beer is arrested fermentation. This process either removes the yeast or stops the yeast from becoming active. Firebrand achieves this by adding less malted barley, the main source of sugar which ferments into alcohol. Joe Thomson explains, “In a normal mash, we might add 400kg of barley. In our non-alcoholic beer, there is more like 25kg. The challenge is how you still achieve that flavor. It’s about manipulating unfermented sugars and ingredients as well as temperatures to give the sensation of beer.”

Another UK-based brewer, Impossibrew, uses a different means of arrested fermentation. They brew their beer in such a way that they can cryogenically stop the fermentation process. By suddenly putting it in a very cold state, parts of the process are halted, and parts are activated to make sure the flavor is retained. Impossibrew also adds a “proprietary social blend,” a mix of nootropic herbs designed to imitate the feeling of relaxation induced by traditional beer.

Brewing giants like Heineken tend to use vacuum distillation to produce pallet-pleasing non-alcoholic beer. This process reduces the atmospheric pressure, lowering alcohol’s boiling point, and allowing the beer to be heated to a warm temperature to retain taste while evaporating the alcohol. However, because alcohol is removed, there is still a lower concentration of flavor compounds. Willem van Waesberghe, the global master brewer at Heineken, says, “We use almost the same ingredients as traditional Heineken but with less malt before removing the alcohol using vacuum distillation. The flavors lost during evaporation are added afterwards.”

Aroma capture during vacuum distillation is another innovation being seen in the non-alcoholic beer space. Shane McNamara, who is responsible for beer education at brewing giant AB InBev, says this has marked a significant advancement in flavor preservation. “In earlier methods, much of the beer’s aroma was lost during the process. Now, brewers can capture and reintroduce these aromatic compounds into the beer. This technique ensures that the distinctive aromas, which are integral to the beer’s overall sensory experience, are retained.”

Luke Boase, the founder of non-alcoholic beer brand Lucky Saint, spent two years working with six breweries in three countries to test different processes. Ultimately, he invested in vacuum distillation. “We adhere to the ‘Reinheitsgebot’ German purity law, which says you can only brew with the four ingredients which you are supposed to find in lager – nothing else. But the beer we put through de-alcoholisation isn’t brewed to be a full-strength beer; it is brewed with the knowledge that there will be an additional process which will have lots of different effects. So, a lot of work goes into the upfront brewing process.”

Some brewers are tapping into the recent development of specialized yeast strains capable of fermenting while producing very little alcohol. This innovation allows for the full fermentation process, enhancing flavor profiles without significant alcohol content.

Brewers large and small are combining centuries of learning with new technologies to capture a share of this growing market. Alice Baker, senior research analyst at Mintel, believes the sector will grow, and alcohol-free beer brands will use fortification to stretch into the health space, adding vitamins for a health halo, relaxing ingredients, and added protein and electrolytes for post-sports recovery.

In conclusion, the brewing of tastier non-alcoholic beer is a complex process that requires creativity, innovation, and a deep understanding of the brewing process. Brewers are constantly pushing the boundaries to create beer that not only tastes great but also caters to the growing demand for healthier alternatives. Whether it’s through arrested fermentation, vacuum distillation, or specialized yeast strains, the future of non-alcoholic beer is promising, and we can expect to see even more advancements in the years to come.

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