July 4, 2024

UK Defence Secretary’s Commitment to Protect Red Sea Shipping Lane from Houthi Rebels

2 min read

The UK Defence Secretary, Grant Shapps, has stated that British forces are prepared to take direct action against Houthi rebels targeting cargo ships in the Red Sea. This comes after a British warship, HMS Diamond, shot down a suspected attack drone in the region last month. The Houthis, an Iran-backed rebel group, have been targeting foreign ships since the Israel-Hamas war began, declaring support for Hamas and launching over 100 drone and missile attacks.

In an article for the Daily Telegraph, Shapps wrote that the UK is committed to holding malign actors accountable for unlawful seizures and attacks. He added that continued Red Sea aggression risks miscalculation and escalation, which could trigger a region-wide conflict. The situation, according to Shapps, is a test for the international community, and the UK needs to stand firm with its allies.

The US launched an international naval operation in December to protect ships in the area, with countries including the UK, Canada, France, Bahrain, Norway, and Spain joining. As part of this alliance, HMS Diamond shot down a suspected attack drone, marking the first time in decades that the Royal Navy had shot an aerial target in anger. On Sunday, the US Navy destroyed Houthi “small boats” that tried to board a container ship in the Red Sea.

The Red Sea is one of the world’s most important shipping lanes, linking markets in Europe with Asia. Analysts warn that the Houthi attacks could lead to a rise in prices, as the Red Sea is also a crucial route for oil and liquefied natural gas shipments produced in the Middle East. The Bab al-Mandab strait, which sits between Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula and Djibouti and Eritrea on the African coast, is particularly vulnerable to attacks.

The Houthi rebels have warned they will attack all ships in the Red Sea bound for Israel. Supply chains face disruption due to vessels diverting away from the key shipping route. The US military says it responded after a vessel came under attack near Yemen twice in 24 hours. India has also deployed warships after a drone attack on a tanker off its coast. Saturday’s attack caused a fire on board the chemical tanker in the Indian Ocean.

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