September 17, 2024

New York City Unveils AI Action Plan

2 min read

New York City is making headlines again, this time with the launch of its “Artificial Intelligence Action Plan.” Mayor Eric Adams revealed the city’s comprehensive plan aimed at evaluating AI tools, mitigating associated risks, and promoting responsible implementation of this transformative technology to improve the quality of life for New Yorkers.

The city’s 51-page AI action plan sets forth a series of steps to foster a deeper understanding of AI and lay the groundwork for its future applications. Rather than hasty implementation, New York City’s approach is focused on seeking input from external experts and the public to ensure responsible and beneficial use of AI.

One of the key initiatives outlined in the plan is the establishment of an “AI Steering Committee” comprised of stakeholders from various city agencies. This committee will play a crucial role in overseeing the implementation of AI initiatives and maintaining accountability.

The action plan also includes nearly 40 specific “actions” to be taken, with 29 of them slated to begin or be completed within the next year. To ensure transparency and progress, the city plans to release an annual AI progress report that will outline updates and the implementation of the plan.

In a simultaneous announcement, city officials shared that they are piloting the first AI-powered chatbot designed to assist business owners in navigating the complexities of operating and growing businesses in New York City. This AI chatbot, based on Microsoft’s Azure AI services, is currently available in beta on the official website of the city and has been trained on information from over 2,000 NYC Business web pages.

Acknowledging the potential risks associated with AI, Mayor Adams emphasized the goal of striking a “critical balance” in the global AI conversation. He aims to empower city agencies with technologies that can truly improve lives while safeguarding against those that may cause harm.

With its AI action plan, New York City is taking a proactive stance, leveraging the expertise and diverse perspectives of stakeholders to ensure responsible deployment of AI. This approach marks an important milestone in the city’s journey toward embracing innovative technologies for the benefit of its residents and businesses.

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