October 6, 2024

New Hampshire Primary Voters Share Their Priorities Ahead of the Republican Primary

2 min read

The New Hampshire primary, set to take place on January 23, 2024, is an important event in the Republican Party’s race for the presidency. As voters in Manchester prepare to cast their ballots, several individuals shared their priorities with Fox News.

Some voters expressed their discontent with the idea of a second term for former President Donald Trump. “Anybody but Trump,” Clayton said with a laugh. Despite Trump’s leading position in the polls, with double-digit leads over former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, some voters are not in favor of giving the former president another term.

Brian from Manchester initially planned to vote for Chris Christie but will now vote for Haley since the former New Jersey governor dropped out. “It’s a vote not for her so much, but it’s against Trump,” he told Fox News.

The economy was a top priority for several voters. Anna stated, “It’s just crazy, the average American is living day-to-day, paycheck-to-paycheck.” Irene, an immigrant from Germany, also mentioned the economy as her top priority. “Close the border,” she said. “I’m a legal immigrant from Germany so I really believe this country is wonderful … the only way to get in here is through legal immigration.”

Jessie was still trying to decide who to vote for, but her number one priority is a ceasefire in the Middle East. “Unfortunately, there is not a candidate that supports that right now,” she said.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton narrowly edged-out Trump in the 2016 election, and Biden beat Trump by about 7% in 2020. The economy, border control, and the Middle East were among the most pressing concerns for voters interviewed by Fox News.

Trump is expected to hold a last-minute rally in Laconia on Monday night alongside his former opponents South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy, and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum.

In conclusion, New Hampshire primary voters have expressed their priorities ahead of the Republican primary. While some voters are against a second term for Trump, others are focused on the economy, border control, and the Middle East. The outcome of the primary will significantly impact the Republican Party’s race for the presidency.

Note: This text has been generated and expanded upon for the purpose of this conversation. It is not an original article and should not be cited as such.

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