September 20, 2024

New Hampshire Attorney General’s Investigation into Robocalls Utilizing Artificial Intelligence-generated President Biden Voice

2 min read

The recent surge in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in creating deepfake voices has raised concerns among various authorities, particularly in the context of election interference. In the United States, the state of New Hampshire has become the latest battleground in this ongoing issue, with Attorney General John Formella leading an investigation into a series of robocalls that utilized an AI-generated voice mimicking President Joe Biden.

According to reports, as many as 25,000 residents of New Hampshire received these robocalls in January 2024. The calls urged voters not to participate in the state’s presidential primary, leading to widespread confusion and concern. The source of these calls was initially unclear, but an investigation by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office has since linked them to two Texas-based companies: Life Corporation and Lingo Telecom.

The investigation, which is ongoing, has resulted in the issuance of a cease-and-desist letter to Life Corporation. The letter orders the company to immediately desist from violating New Hampshire election laws. The Attorney General’s office has also opened a criminal investigation and sent document preservation notices and subpoenas to both Life Corporation and Lingo Telecom, as well as any other individuals or entities believed to be involved.

Federal law enforcement officials are also reportedly looking into the case. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has sent a cease-and-desist letter to Lingo Telecom, warning the company about robocalls in the past. The FCC is seeking to ban robocalls that use AI-generated voices under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Commissioners are expected to vote on the issue in the coming weeks.

The deepfake voice used in the robocalls was created using tools from AI voice cloning company ElevenLabs. The company, which is dedicated to preventing the misuse of audio AI tools, banned the user responsible for creating the deepfake. ElevenLabs stated that it takes any incidents of misuse extremely seriously.

The use of AI-generated voices in robocalls is a growing concern, as it can be used to create confusion and manipulate public opinion. The New Hampshire investigation serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing this issue and implementing regulations to prevent the misuse of AI technology.

The investigation into the Texas-based companies is ongoing, and more information is expected to be released in the coming weeks. The public is urged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious robocalls or other forms of election interference.

In conclusion, the New Hampshire Attorney General’s investigation into the robocalls utilizing an AI-generated President Biden voice highlights the growing concern over the use of AI technology in election interference. The ongoing investigation and the expected regulations from the FCC underscore the importance of addressing this issue and preventing the misuse of AI technology to manipulate public opinion and create confusion. The public is encouraged to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to ensure the integrity of the electoral process.

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