October 5, 2024

Maine Politics: Fears of a California Agenda Taking Over

2 min read

Maine, a historically purple state, has been the subject of concern for its Republican lawmakers. They believe that the state is being pushed towards a radical liberal agenda, reminiscent of California. In a recent interview with Fox News Digital, Maine GOP State Senator Trey Stewart voiced his concerns, stating that Maine appears to be in a race to the bottom under Democrat leadership.

Stewart pointed to energy policy as a prime example of the state’s liberal turn. He noted that Democrats have been kowtowing to special interest groups, particularly those in the solar and wind lobby, at the expense of Maine ratepayers. This has led to some of the highest electricity prices in the country. Additionally, Stewart criticized the state’s proposal to mandate a 40% all-electric vehicle fleet by 2030, which he deemed unrealistic given Maine’s cold climate and rural terrain.

Parental rights are another area of concern for Stewart. He spoke out against a recent bill, LD 1735, which would have allowed non-parental custodians to take a child in Maine for the purposes of sex change, surgery, and other procedures, without the parents’ consent. Stewart described this bill as a promotion of sex trafficking and sex tourism, and was relieved when it was killed in committee.

The removal of former President Trump from the ballot in Maine was also criticized by Stewart. He argued that this decision was out of step with where most Mainers are, in both parties, and has been opposed by most of the top politicians in the state. Stewart believes that if folks have an issue with Donald Trump, they should be allowed to voice their opinion at the polls.

Stewart accused the left of being hypocritical, claiming that they care about low-income folks but raise their heating bills with energy policies. He also criticized their claims of protecting democracy while trying to rig elections.

Maine, according to Stewart, is not really a blue state but more of a purple state that fluctuates between who is in power every few years. However, recent decisions made under Democrat control have rubbed many folks the wrong way. Stewart emphasized the importance of winning the November elections to restore common sense in Maine politics.

Fox News Digital reached out to the Maine Democratic Party for comment but did not receive a response.

Andrew Mark Miller is a reporter at Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @andymarkmiller and email tips to AndrewMark.Miller@Fox.com.

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