October 5, 2024

Hookups where one partner is drunker more likely to be seen as assault, says study

2 min read

A new study conducted by Dr. Veronica Lamarche from the University of Essex Department of Psychology has found that equal consumption of alcohol is more important than levels of drunkenness in determining perceptions of sexual assault. The study, published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, reveals that encounters where one partner is drunk and the other is sober are more likely to be seen as non-consensual, coercive, and dangerous.

The research involved over 500 British participants and unfolded across four studies. Participants were presented with various scenarios and provided with details about the amount of alcohol consumed before sex. They were then asked to judge levels of coercion, sexual assault, perceived responsibility, and the likelihood of the encounter being considered sexual assault. The study showed that romantic encounters were viewed most positively when both partners consumed the same low level of alcohol.

Dr. Lamarche’s interest lies in understanding the consequences of existing in a sexual world where lived experiences with sex may not always align with legal definitions. The findings illustrate that people heavily rely on contextual information to decide whether they believe non-violent sexual experiences are consensual or not. While alcohol is recognized as a risk factor for non-consensual sex, the study challenges assumptions about assault when both partners are similarly drunk.

Dr. Lamarche hopes that this study will shed light on perceptions of sexual assault and demonstrate how alcohol influences support for victims by reducing barriers to reporting and prosecution. The results also highlight the importance of not only considering how much alcohol someone consumed prior to a sexual encounter, but also whether partners were equally drunk. Empowering victims to come forward and addressing barriers and biases that hinder their support is a crucial step in combating sexual assault.

The study was conducted in collaboration with two undergraduates, Ellen Laughlin and Molly Pettitt, as well as Dr. Laurie James-Hawkins from the Department of Sociology at the University of Essex. The publication of this study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding consent and sexual assault.

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