July 7, 2024

CD Projekt RED Employees Form Union in Response to Layoffs

3 min read

In recent months, CD Projekt RED employees have taken significant steps to address the challenges they face in the game development industry. This move comes in response to the company’s decision to lay off approximately 100 employees in July, citing “overstaffing” as the primary reason. The employees have united under the banner of an anonymous union affiliated with the larger Polish workers’ organization OZZ Inicjatywa Pracownicza. The union is open to individuals in the industry who may not be employed by CD Projekt RED but are considering forming unions in their workplaces.

The Impetus for Unionization

The decision to unionize was fueled by the aftermath of a wave of layoffs in 2023, where approximately 9% of CD Projekt RED’s workforce, roughly 100 people, were let go. This event had a profound impact on the mental well-being of the employees, causing stress and insecurity. In response, the CD Projekt union seeks to provide its members with security, transparency, protection, and a more influential voice during times of crisis.

Why Unions Matter in Game Development

The organizers of this union recognize the unique challenges faced by those in the game development industry. They contend that game developers often enter the field driven by passion, which can lead to long working hours, lower pay, and eventual burnout. Unionization is seen as a means to mitigate these issues, allowing individuals to maintain their passion while ensuring better working conditions.

Immediate Goals of the CD Projekt Union

The CD Projekt union is taking immediate steps to establish effective internal and external communication channels. It aims to grow its membership, thereby creating a support system for workers and increasing their bargaining power in discussions with CD Projekt’s management. The union has already initiated dialogue with the company’s board to ensure a stable and reliable line of communication.

Additionally, the union’s goals include enhancing employment stability. Unionization would grant the ability to negotiate the terms of mass layoffs and individual cases, as well as amplify employees’ voices in matters concerning working conditions.

Trial Period and Future Plans

Currently, the CD Projekt union is in a “trial period” where it has obtained legal recognition but is yet to establish governing bodies. The organizers plan to formalize these structures through a statutory meeting in mid-December 2023. Moreover, they have reached out to union activists in other game development companies to collaborate and improve the industry and job market for all.

Benefits of Joining the Union

While those outside CD Projekt RED may not enjoy certain “workplace benefits” available to employees with a Polish contract, they will become part of a broader industry-wide support network. This network offers a platform for sharing experiences and knowledge with peers and provides organizational support when needed.

CD Projekt’s Stance on Unionization

As of now, CD Projekt has not made an official statement regarding the formation of this union. However, the company’s senior leadership has expressed varying opinions on unionization in the past. In 2018, the head of the studio, Adam Badowski, suggested that unions might not contribute positively to the industry. Co-founder Marcin Iwinski was even more dismissive, implying that game developers are highly qualified professionals who do not need unions. It remains to be seen how their views may have evolved, especially in the wake of the release of Cyberpunk 2077 and the subsequent discussions about crunch and mismanagement at CD Projekt RED.

A Broader Industry Perspective

The recent layoffs at CD Projekt RED are not isolated incidents, but part of a larger pattern of cutbacks in the gaming industry. Companies like Epic, Team 17, and Microsoft have also enacted mass layoffs. Simultaneously, there have been efforts to unionize in other game development companies like ZeniMax and SEGA, indicating a growing movement within the industry.

In conclusion, the formation of the CD Projekt union represents a significant step towards addressing the challenges faced by game developers, with the hope of creating better working conditions and employment stability in the industry. The impact of this union and the evolving attitudes of industry leaders towards unionization will be closely watched in the coming months.

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