Despite the failure of Astrobotic's Peregrine moon lander to make a soft landing on the lunar surface, the spacecraft is...
In the year 2023, there were numerous reasons to celebrate good news. One of the most significant developments was the...
The UK government is proposing to introduce kerbside collections for small electrical items, such as toasters and hairdryers, from 2026...
The arrival of the giant freshwater fish, known as paiche or Arapaipma Gigas, in the Bolivian Amazon has caused concern...
The world's tallest wooden wind turbine has recently been constructed by Swedish start-up, Modvion. This innovative development in wind power...
The article discusses how UCLA researchers have utilized insights from biological resistance to develop a framework for modifying human behavior...
A team of international astronomers has observed a peculiar nuclear transient known as AT 2019avd using a set of space...
In a recent study published in Physical Review Letters, researchers from the University of Science and Technology of China, the...
Colombia has recently taken a significant step towards promoting renewable energy by approving new regulations that encourage local communities and...
Scientists at Linköping University have made a breakthrough in agriculture by developing an electrically conductive "soil" for soilless cultivation, known...