October 6, 2024

Border Security Crisis: 17 People on Terror Watch List Encountered at Southern Border in November

2 min read

In November, there were 17 encounters of people on the FBI’s terror watch list at the southern border, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP). This brings the total number of people encountered by the Border Patrol between ports of entry on the watch list to 30 for FY 24, which began in October. The terror watch list, now officially called the Terrorist Screening Dataset, is the U.S. database that contains information on terrorist identities and includes not only known or suspected terrorists but also affiliates of watch-listed individuals.

The watch list raises concerns as the numbers between the ports of entry continue to increase. There have been 49 encounters at ports at the north and southern borders so far this fiscal year, compared to 564 last year. The CBP states that encounters of watchlisted individuals at the borders are very uncommon, highlighting the critical work CBP Agents and Officers carry out every day on the frontlines.

However, the numbers between the ports of entry are concerning, as those with dangerous criminal histories or ties may seek to enter the U.S. either as part of a group of migrants or evade Border Patrol as “gotaways.” The Department of Homeland Security’s threat assessment, published in October, noted that agents have encountered a growing number on the watch list and warned that “terrorists and criminal actors may exploit the elevated flow and increasingly complex security environment to enter the United States.”

The number of terror watchlist encounters drew more attention in the wake of the Hamas terror attack on Israel, with lawmakers expressing concern that terrorist fighters may seek to cross into the U.S. The situation at the border is becoming increasingly strained, with nearly a quarter of a million migrant encounters in November, marking the highest November on record and the third-highest month on record.

As the Border Patrol continues to deal with increased numbers, they have been overwhelmed by a surge of migrants from across the globe. In December, there were already over 242,000 migrant encounters, and it could easily eclipse November’s numbers, given that agents are encountering 10,000+ a day. Meanwhile, sources have reported that the Border Patrol has released more than 386,000 illegal immigrants into the U.S. with notices to appear. This does not include those released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement and does not include migrants paroled into the U.S. via the CBP One app at ports of entry.

Lawmakers are seeking to find agreement on the White House’s supplemental funding request, which includes $14 billion for border funding. Republicans have demanded greater limits on asylum and limits on the use of humanitarian parole. While lawmakers have expressed optimism on a potential agreement, it is not expected before January at the earliest.

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