October 5, 2024

Arrest and Deportation of Illegal Immigrants with Criminal Backgrounds in the US

3 min read

The issue of illegal immigration has been a contentious topic in the United States for several decades. The release of illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds into the country has become a major concern for law enforcement agencies and the general public. In recent times, the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has been actively apprehending and deporting illegal immigrants with criminal records. This article explores some of the recent cases of illegal immigrants who have been arrested and deported due to their criminal backgrounds.

On February 3, 2024, ICE announced the arrest and deportation of a Brazilian illegal immigrant named Thalles Mendes Ribeiro. Ribeiro was wanted in Brazil for false imprisonment and rape. He had initially been encountered near San Ysidro, California, on June 10, 2021, after entering the U.S. illegally. U.S. Border Patrol served him with a notice to appear in an immigration court, and ICE released him into the country under the Alternatives to Detention program. However, Ribeiro failed to appear at his immigration hearing on February 24, 2023, in Newark, NJ. He was eventually arrested in December in New Jersey during a targeted enforcement action.

The deportation of Ribeiro comes amidst a continuing border crisis, where Border Patrol agents have been left overwhelmed by the record numbers they are seeing. In December 2023, there were more than 302,000 migrant encounters, a new record after a record FY 23 that saw 2.4 million encounters. Republicans have expressed concern about the continued release of migrants into the interior, while the Biden administration has said it needs more funding and congressional action to fix a “broken” system.

ICE has arrested and deported several other illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds in recent times. In January 2024, ICE announced that it had arrested 100 illegal immigrants wanted for crimes, including child sexual assault and murder, across the country. Those arrested included individuals wanted for or convicted of child molestation, child pornography, rape, and murder. ICE says that it arrested more than 73,000 illegal immigrants with criminal histories in FY 23, with over 290,000 associated charges and convictions.

The protection of the American public from dangerous predators is the number one priority of the ERO mission. ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operation (ERO) Philadelphia Field Office Director Cammilla Wamsley said in a statement, “We will continue to vehemently target individuals who pose a threat to the American public.” The deportation of criminal illegal immigrants is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and security of American citizens.

The issue of illegal immigration and the release of criminal illegal immigrants into the country is a complex one. It requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the root causes of illegal immigration, strengthens border security, and ensures the effective enforcement of immigration laws. The deportation of criminal illegal immigrants is an essential part of this approach. It sends a clear message that the United States will not tolerate criminal activity, and that those who engage in criminal behavior will be held accountable.

In conclusion, the arrest and deportation of illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds is a critical aspect of maintaining the safety and security of the United States. The cases of Thalles Mendes Ribeiro and other illegal immigrants who have been arrested and deported demonstrate the commitment of ICE and other law enforcement agencies to protecting the American public. The continued release of criminal illegal immigrants into the country is a concern for law enforcement agencies and the general public, and it is essential that effective measures are taken to address this issue. The deportation of criminal illegal immigrants is an essential step in ensuring the safety and security of American citizens.

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