October 5, 2024

A New Group Launches to Combat Chinese Communist Party Influence Across the US: A Major Threat

4 min read

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been a significant concern for the United States for several years. The CCP’s aggressive pursuit of economic leverage and suppression of free speech within America has become a major threat to the American way of life. In response to this threat, a new nonprofit organization, State Armor, is set to launch on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, to combat CCP influence operations in the United States.

State Armor will focus on four primary areas to position itself as a leading research and educational source for state and local governments. These areas include protecting critical infrastructure, building supply chains of freedom, stopping influence operations, and preparing state supply chains if China were to invade Taiwan.

The CCP’s strategy to gain economic leverage over state and local governments and suppress free speech within America has been a growing concern for national security experts. According to a report by the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, the CCP is employing a strategy to pressure Washington for policies friendlier to Beijing by leveraging connections to state and local leaders.

State Armor founder and CEO, Michael Lucci, stated that states are now on the front lines against foreign adversaries, particularly communist China. The CCP is engaged in a broad effort to supplant the United States and aggressively pursues a strategy to gain economic leverage over state and local governments, make them dependent on their technologies, and suppress the First Amendment-protected speech of Chinese dissidents within America.

The group will work to mobilize a network ranging from citizens to experts to aid states in developing and implementing comprehensive, common sense, and bipartisan solutions to protect themselves from the CCP’s influence. State Armor is currently working on passing several pieces of legislation or executive orders in more than 12 states.

Former U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien expressed his support for the group, stating that it will bring awareness and ready-for-action plans to push counter-China policies that many state leaders know need to be done but aren’t sure where to start. He added that this issue is not partisan and that states want to take action against the CCP’s influence.

The CCP’s influence operations in the United States have been a topic of concern for several years. In June 2022, the House Ways and Means Committee released WhatsApp messages from 2017 that showed Hunter Biden blasting business partner Henry Zhao for not fulfilling his commitments. These messages traced back to the laptop computer that Hunter abandoned at a Delaware repair shop. The emails between Hunter and longtime Biden family confidant Eric Schwerin showed that Hunter was expected to pay a number of his father’s household expenses.

Furthermore, Hunter Biden received wires that originated in Beijing for more than $250,000 from Chinese business partners during the summer of 2019, with the Delaware home of Joe Biden listed as the beneficiary address for the funds.

The CCP’s influence operations in the United States extend beyond business dealings. The NBA has been criticized for its close ties to China and its handling of free speech issues related to Taiwan and Hong Kong. The CCP has also been known to use robo-calls claiming to be from embassies to intimidate Chinese dissidents within the United States.

State Armor’s launch comes at a critical time as the United States grapples with the CCP’s influence operations within its borders. The group’s focus on state and local governments will provide a much-needed counterbalance to the CCP’s efforts to gain economic leverage and suppress free speech.

In conclusion, the Chinese Communist Party’s influence operations in the United States pose a major threat to the American way of life. The launch of State Armor, a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating CCP influence operations, is a significant step in the right direction. By focusing on protecting critical infrastructure, building supply chains of freedom, stopping influence operations, and preparing state supply chains if China were to invade Taiwan, State Armor will provide a much-needed counterbalance to the CCP’s efforts to gain economic leverage and suppress free speech within the United States.

State Armor’s work will be critical in the coming years as the United States continues to grapple with the CCP’s influence operations. The group’s efforts to mobilize a network of citizens and experts to aid states in developing and implementing comprehensive, common sense, and bipartisan solutions to protect themselves from the CCP’s influence will be essential in the fight against this generation-defining foreign threat.

As the United States continues to navigate the complex relationship with China, State Armor’s work will be crucial in ensuring that the American way of life is protected from the CCP’s influence operations. The launch of this organization marks an important step forward in the fight against this major threat to the United States.

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