September 21, 2024

Hideki Kamiya, Former Platinum Games Designer, Creates YouTube Channel to Explain Departure

2 min read

Hideki Kamiya, the former designer at Platinum Games, has recently launched his own YouTube channel titled “Let’s ask Kamiya! – Why’d he quit? What are his plans?” In this tongue-in-cheek video, Kamiya explains his reasons for leaving the company and shares his future plans while sitting in a park with his belongings packed in a cardboard box.

Through English captions on the video, English-speaking fans can easily understand and follow along with Kamiya’s explanations. In a humorous manner, Kamiya introduces himself as “Hideki Kamiya, unemployed” and invites viewers to subscribe to his channel, bringing a sense of lightness and self-awareness to his current situation.

After discussing his previous works, such as Resident Evil 2, Bayonetta, and Devil May Cry, Kamiya reveals that he left Platinum Games about three months ago. He mentions feeling refreshed after departing from the company and explains that he wanted to follow his beliefs as a game creator and choose his own path moving forward. Although he hints at deeper reasons for his departure, he playfully admits that he can’t fully disclose them to the audience.

While Kamiya is currently undergoing a mandatory year away from working in the industry, he reassures his fans that he intends to return to game development once that time has passed. In a lighthearted twist, Kamiya concludes the video by driving away in a red Ferrari, jokingly saying he is off to the unemployment center.

Although the video provides a humorous and entertaining insight into Kamiya’s departure, it is bittersweet to see one of the founders of Platinum Games leaving after being responsible for creating fantastic games like Bayonetta. Despite any criticism about Bayonetta 3, the series as a whole is highly regarded and worth exploring for those unfamiliar with it.

As fans, it’s important to support Kamiya during this time of unemployment and uncertainty by subscribing to his YouTube channel. His humor and creativity in the gaming industry deserve recognition and encouragement. So, if you ever pretended to enjoy The Wonderful 101 or simply want to help out a talented game creator, be sure to show your support and subscribe to Hideki Kamiya’s channel.

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