July 7, 2024

An In-Depth Analysis of Google Alphabet Stock Amidst the Emergence of Generative AI and Ad Revenue Growth Concerns

4 min read

Google Alphabet, the parent company of the renowned search engine, has been making headlines recently due to its significant strides in the field of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and the potential impact of this technology on its advertising revenue. In this comprehensive analysis, we will delve into the current state of Google Alphabet stock, the opportunities and risks presented by generative AI, and the financial performance of the company’s “Other Bets” and Moonshots.

Google Alphabet Stock Performance
Google Alphabet stock has experienced a modest gain of 3% in 2024 as of the market open on February 26. Despite this, the stock has faced challenges due to concerns over internet search competition from startups like OpenAI and the integration of chatbot AI technology into search queries, which could potentially impact advertising revenue.

Financial Performance of Other Bets and Moonshots
Google Alphabet’s “Other Bets” and Moonshots, which include assets like Google Fiber and Waymo, have been a topic of interest for investors. These projects have accumulated operating losses totaling $37.3 billion since 2014, with revenue of just $7.3 billion. However, financial results improved in 2023, with an operating loss of $4.1 billion on revenue of $1.5 billion. Google is also allowing Other Bets like Google Fiber to seek outside investors, which could potentially lead to spin-offs.

Impact of Generative AI on Advertising Revenue
One of the most significant questions surrounding Google Alphabet stock is how the integration of chatbot AI technology into search queries will impact advertising revenue. The emergence of generative AI presents both opportunities and risks for Google. On the one hand, it could lead to new advertising opportunities, such as targeted ads based on user queries. On the other hand, it could potentially disrupt the traditional search advertising model, leading to a decline in revenue.

Google’s Response to Competition in Generative AI
Google aims to counter competition from Microsoft’s investment in artificial-intelligence startup OpenAI by making its own generative AI tools available to software developers. The company has also been developing close ties with enterprise software maker Salesforce. At the Google I/O 2023 developers event, Alphabet showcased how generative AI will be integrated into search, maps, Workspace, photos, cloud computing, and Android devices.

Legal Challenges for Google Alphabet
Google Alphabet has faced several legal challenges in recent months. In one case, the company may need to open up its wireless App Store to competition following a defeat by Fortnite maker Epic Games. Another case involves a settlement with a group of states, requiring Google to pay $700 million and make certain changes to its app store. Additionally, a ruling in the Justice Department’s antitrust trial against Google is pending, with allegations that Google maintains an internet search monopoly through exclusionary distribution agreements.

Google’s Ad Business Through E-Commerce
Google aims to boost its advertising business through e-commerce-related internet search and chip away at Amazon’s dominance in product search. The internet search business is expected to hold up better than other advertising formats, such as social media. Google has also rolled out the Performance Max advertising platform, which automates buying across YouTube, internet search, display, Gmail, maps, and other applications.

Google’s Artificial-Intelligence Prowess
Google’s strength in artificial intelligence spans digital advertising, the Google Cloud Platform, YouTube, and consumer hardware products. The company has improved transparency, disclosing cloud-computing financial metrics and fourth-quarter reports. However, the cloud business has yet to turn a profit, and YouTube’s profitability remains a mystery.

Google Stock Fundamentals
Google Alphabet’s Q4 earnings jumped 56% to $1.64 a share under generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), with gross revenue rising 13% to $86.31 billion. Analysts had projected EPS of $1.60 on revenue of $85.25 billion. Google’s Q4 advertising revenue rose 11% to $65.52 billion, just below estimates of $65.82 billion. Wall Street analysts now estimate Google’s 2024 capital spending at $41 billion, up 25% from last year.

Google’s Hardware Business and Acquisitions
Google’s hardware business is battling Apple in smartphones and Amazon in smart-home appliances. The acquisition of smartwatch maker Fitbit closed in January 2022, which should help Google make a push into the health and fitness market. Google’s cloud-computing business faces tough rivals in Amazon and Microsoft, but it is taking share by focusing on security, open source software, and data analytics. Google acquired cybersecurity firm Mandiant for $5.4 billion in an all-cash deal.

Is Google Alphabet Stock a Buy Now?
Google Alphabet stock has experienced good and bad years recently, with a 65% jump in 2021, a 39% drop in 2022, and a 58% advance in 2023. Despite mounting competition in AI and internet search, Google stock remains a strong contender, with an RS rating of 82 out of a best-possible 99 and an Accumulation/Distribution Rating of D. From a cup-with-handle base, Google stock forged a 139.42 buy point. However, shares are still in a buy zone above the 139.42 buy point, and the relative strength line has tumbled. Investors should look for a bullish move above the 50-day line for potential actionability.

In conclusion, Google Alphabet stock presents both opportunities and risks amidst the emergence of generative AI and concerns over advertising revenue growth. By understanding the financial performance of the company’s Other Bets and Moonshots, the impact of generative AI on advertising revenue, and the legal challenges facing the company, investors can make informed decisions about whether to buy or sell Google Alphabet stock.

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