July 7, 2024

Japan’s Moon Lander Defies Odds and Survives the Harsh Lunar Night

3 min read

The lunar night, a period of sunlessness and extreme cold, is one of the most significant challenges for robotic and human missions on the Moon. Recently, Japan’s Moon lander, Slim (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon), successfully survived this harsh condition, marking a significant milestone in lunar exploration.

JAXA, the Japanese national space agency, reported that a command was sent to Slim, and a response was received. The lander, which had been put into sleep mode due to an awkward landing in January, was now back online. However, it was only able to send pictures back to Earth before shutting down again as the lunar night fell.

Slim’s landing near the Moon’s equator, where temperatures reach over 100 degrees Celsius at noon but plunge to -130 degrees Celsius during the lunar night, presented a significant challenge. JAXA reported that communication with the lander was terminated after a short time due to the high temperature of the communications equipment. Preparations were being made to resume operations when instrument temperatures had cooled sufficiently.

During its brief period of re-awakening, Slim was able to study its surroundings in detail and transmit new images to Earth. JAXA expressed hope that the lander would be able to continue its work. The successful survival of the lunar night is a crucial technological achievement, as it is a prerequisite for establishing long-term robotic or human missions on the Moon.

Dr. Simeon Barber, a researcher from the UK’s Open University, commented on the significance of Slim’s survival. “The news that SLIM has rebooted itself after the cold lunar night is significant. Surviving lunar night is one of the key technological challenges to be overcome if we are to establish long-lived robotic or human missions on the Moon,” he said.

Japan’s achievement comes after the US spacecraft Odysseus Moon lander made history by becoming the first privately built and operated robot to complete a soft lunar touchdown. Like Slim, Odysseus also landed awkwardly, but it appears still to be functional and is communicating with Earth. No pictures from the mission at the surface have yet been released.

The successful landing of Slim and Odysseus marks a new era in lunar exploration. Five decades after the last of the Apollo missions, the Moon is once again a target for space exploration, and it is no longer just Nasa leading the way. Other nations, including China and India, have also made significant strides in lunar exploration.

The survival of Slim and Odysseus in the harsh lunar environment is a testament to the advancements in lunar technology and the determination of space agencies and private companies to explore and understand the Moon. It is a significant step towards establishing long-term robotic or human missions on the Moon and paving the way for a new generation of lunar astronauts.

In conclusion, Japan’s Moon lander, Slim, has successfully survived the harsh lunar night, marking a significant milestone in lunar exploration. This achievement is crucial for establishing long-term robotic or human missions on the Moon and paving the way for a new generation of lunar astronauts. The successful landing of Slim and Odysseus, along with the efforts of other nations, marks a new era in lunar exploration and a significant step towards understanding and utilizing the Moon’s resources.

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