July 16, 2024

Fox News Media Endorses Donald Trump for 2024 Republican Primary: A Significant Win for the Former President

3 min read

The recent endorsement of former President Donald Trump by the No. 2 Senate Republican leader, John Thune, marks a significant victory for the former president in his bid for the 2024 Republican primary. Thune’s endorsement comes after Trump’s commanding victory in the South Carolina Republican primary, where he received roughly 60% of the votes compared to 40% for former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley.

Thune’s endorsement is a key win for Trump from the establishment wing of the Republican Party. As the top deputy in the Senate GOP, Thune’s backing adds weight to Trump’s campaign and sends a clear message to the American people about the choice before them in the upcoming presidential election.

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Thune expressed his support for Trump’s campaign to win the presidency and his intention to do everything he can to ensure a Republican majority in the Senate working with him to restore American strength at home and abroad. Thune emphasized the importance of putting an end to the disastrous Biden-Schumer agenda and the need for American strength on the global stage.

Thune and Trump spoke by phone on Saturday night after Trump’s victory in the South Carolina primary. The call came after it was unclear whether Thune would endorse either of the two major candidates for the 2024 GOP nomination. Thune had previously endorsed South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott’s presidential campaign and was present at Scott’s launch event. However, Scott dropped out in November and endorsed Trump last month.

The Sunday announcement puts added pressure on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has brushed off scrutiny on whether his frosty relationship with Trump would stop him from endorsing the ex-president in the Republican primary. McConnell has suggested he would support whoever Republican voters chose as their presidential nominee but has for the most part avoided mentioning Trump.

Both Thune and McConnell were targeted by Trump for criticizing his handling of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot and the 2020 election. Thune won a landslide re-election victory for a fourth Senate term in 2022 despite Trump calling for a primary challenger against him.

Trump’s endorsement by Thune comes after a series of victories in primary elections, including in South Carolina, Nevada, and New Hampshire, which have solidified his position as the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination. The endorsement also comes as the Democratic Party faces internal divisions and struggles to unite behind a clear frontrunner for the 2024 presidential election.

The endorsement by Fox News Media, which includes Fox Business, Fox Nation, Fox News Audio, Fox Weather, Outkick, and Books, adds significant weight to Trump’s campaign and sends a clear message to the American people about the choice before them in the upcoming presidential election. The media outlet’s endorsement is a testament to Trump’s continued popularity and support among the Republican base and the American people.

In conclusion, the endorsement of former President Donald Trump by the No. 2 Senate Republican leader, John Thune, is a significant win for the former president in his bid for the 2024 Republican primary. Thune’s endorsement adds weight to Trump’s campaign and sends a clear message to the American people about the choice before them in the upcoming presidential election. The endorsement by Fox News Media further solidifies Trump’s position as the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican nomination and underscores his continued popularity and support among the Republican base and the American people.

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