September 19, 2024

Skull and Bones: The Unresolved MAGPIE-00001701 Crash Error

3 min read

Skull and Bones, the highly anticipated pirate game developed by Ubisoft, was officially released on February 16, 2024. However, the excitement was short-lived for many gamers as they encountered the MAGPIE-00001701 crash error upon launching the game. This error, which was also present during the Open Beta phase, prevented players from accessing the game’s menu and rendered it unplayable.

The MAGPIE-00001701 error occurred on all platforms, including PlayStation 5 and Xbox One. It was not a PC-specific issue, as some reports suggested. The error would manifest immediately after launching the game, and while attempting to connect to a server. The game would display the error message and then crash, leaving players frustrated and unable to play.

Despite the game’s official release, the MAGPIE-00001701 error remained unresolved. Gamers who had encountered the issue during the Open Beta phase were advised to avoid purchasing the game, as it was still broken. The error was not a new one, as it had been reported during the beta testing phase. However, Ubisoft had not addressed it, leaving many gamers disappointed.

The MAGPIE-00001701 error was not an isolated incident. Gamers had tried various solutions to resolve the issue, including reinstalling the game, deleting config files, and even replacing their graphics cards. However, none of these methods worked. The error persisted, leaving many gamers feeling let down by Ubisoft.

Ubisoft had marked the issue as “Done” on its Bug Reporter, but the game still had the error. There was a slight chance that a day-1 patch could fix the issue, but Ubisoft had not confirmed this. The review guide did not mention the patch, and the game had already been released for those who had pre-ordered the Premium Edition. This meant that the day-1 update was already applied to the game.

John Papadopoulos, the founder and Editor in Chief of DSOGaming, had also encountered the issue during the Open Beta phase. He had tried various solutions to resolve the error but had been unsuccessful. In his article, he advised gamers who had encountered the error to avoid purchasing the game, as it was still broken. He also criticized Ubisoft for not addressing the issue, despite it being reported during the beta testing phase.

The MAGPIE-00001701 error was a significant issue for Skull and Bones, as it prevented many gamers from playing the game. It was also a disappointment for those who had pre-ordered the game, as they were unable to access the content they had paid for. The issue was a red flag for many gamers, who were concerned about the quality of the game and Ubisoft’s ability to address issues in a timely manner.

In conclusion, the MAGPIE-00001701 crash error in Skull and Bones was a significant issue that prevented many gamers from accessing the game upon launch. The error occurred on all platforms and had been reported during the Open Beta phase. Despite being reported, the issue remained unresolved, leaving many gamers frustrated and disappointed. Ubisoft had marked the issue as “Done” on its Bug Reporter, but the game still had the error. There was a slight chance that a day-1 patch could fix the issue, but this had not been confirmed. Gamers who had encountered the error during the Open Beta phase were advised to avoid purchasing the game, as it was still broken. The issue was a red flag for many gamers, who were concerned about the quality of the game and Ubisoft’s ability to address issues in a timely manner.

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