September 20, 2024

The Significance of LGBTQ Representation in Video Games: Insights from GLAAD’s First Annual Gaming Report

4 min read

The gaming industry has long been criticized for its lack of representation of LGBTQ individuals. This issue has been a topic of discussion for years, and the recent publication of GLAAD’s first annual gaming report has provided concrete evidence to support this claim. The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the industry from the perspective of queer players and developers.

According to the report, 17% of the total gaming audience identifies as LGBTQ, which is approximately one in every five players. This figure aligns with statistics for Generation Z. However, only 2% of all games on the market contain LGBTQ content, a figure that falls significantly short of those in film, TV, and other forms of entertainment media. GLAAD found that 28.5% of films from the top 10 distributors in 2022 contained an LGBTQ character, and LGBTQ characters appeared as series regulars at a rate of 10.6% on primetime scripted broadcast shows in 2022 and 2023.

The gaming industry’s lack of LGBTQ representation is often attributed to the assumption that the stereotypical core video game consumer is a white, heterosexual, cisgender man between the ages of 18 and 34. However, the data shows that 17% of active gamers are LGBTQ, a 70% increase from the 10% reported in Nielsen’s 2020 report. This figure is even higher for younger players, with roughly 25% of players under the age of 35 identifying as LGBTQ.

The interactive nature of games, the opportunity to build community in gaming, and the long history of LGBTQ game industry professionals make this medium a uniquely powerful tool for LGBTQ people to safely discover, connect, and express themselves. Particularly for LGBTQ gamers, gaming can not only be an escape and source of entertainment but also an important outlet of self-expression.

GLAAD’s report identified several reasons for the lack of LGBTQ representation in video games. Some reasons are passive, with game companies not considering that they should represent LGBTQ people or seeing them as a minor part of the core gaming audience. Other reasons are active, with companies worrying about pushing away a core audience that they assume is resistant or hostile to LGBTQ content. However, this imagined core audience is a myth, and LGBTQ gamers are a significant part of the existing active gamer market.

More than 60% of non-LGBTQ respondents said they were not bothered by LGBTQ protagonists and NPCs in their games, and 70% were fine with titles that presented the option to customize a bisexual, gay, or lesbian character. Resistance towards these themes is waning with each new generation of players.

Transgender content faced the most resistance among all respondents. However, 94% of LGBTQ respondents were just as likely or more likely to purchase a game that includes the option to embody a transgender protagonist, and 80% of non-LGBTQ gamers responded the same way.

The importance of representation in video games has grown amid an avalanche of anti-LGBTQ violence and legislation in the United States. In the first weeks of 2024, more than 500 anti-LGBTQ bills have been proposed or passed in the US, a majority of which target transgender youths. Queer players are more likely than their counterparts to use gaming as an escape, and this is even more true for people living in states that have proposed or passed anti-LGBTQ legislation.

Researchers offered several recommendations for increasing LGBTQ representation in games. The percentage of games with LGBTQ representation should be proportional to the share of gamers who are LGBTQ. Game developers should strive for representation that promotes inclusivity and acceptance. The game industry should take responsibility for making their communities more inclusive. The game industry should consult LGBTQ media content experts. LGBTQ game industry workers should be hired in positions of authority.

The report’s survey data was collected in collaboration with Nielsen Games and includes responses from 1,452 active PC and console players in the US, with a boost sample of LGBTQ gamers to ensure accuracy for the community-specific questions. The survey was distributed between June and August 2023.

In conclusion, GLAAD’s first annual gaming report provides valuable insights into the lack of LGBTQ representation in video games and the impact it has on queer players. The report highlights the importance of representation in games and offers recommendations for increasing LGBTQ representation in the industry. The data shows that queer players are a significant part of the gaming community and that resistance towards LGBTQ content is waning with each new generation of players. It is essential for game developers to understand the role gaming plays for LGBTQ gamers in the United States and especially for those living in states where they are disproportionately targeted and attacked. The game industry has a responsibility to make its communities more inclusive and to consult LGBTQ media content experts and LGBTQ game industry workers to ensure accurate and authentic representation.

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