September 20, 2024

NASA Space Station Research Expedition 71: Exploring Neuroinflammation, Plant Growth, Positive Pressure, and Edible Algae

11 min read

NASA’s Space Station Research Expedition 71, set to launch in February and March of 2024, will see astronauts Matthew Dominick, Michael Barratt, Jeanette Epps, and Tracy C. Dyson conducting scientific investigations aboard the International Space Station. These studies aim to expand our understanding of neuroinflammation, protect plants from spaceflight stressors, explore positive pressure countermeasures, and analyze the potential of edible algae as a life support system.

Neuroinflammation, a common feature of neurodegenerative disorders, is the focus of the Human Brain Organoid Models for Neurodegenerative Disease & Drug Discovery (HBOND) investigation. This study, funded by the National Stem Cell Foundation, creates organoids using patient-derived iPSCs from individuals with Parkinson’s disease, primary progressive multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. The results could lead to improved diagnostics, insights into the effects of aging, accelerated drug discovery, and the identification of therapeutic targets for patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, these organoid models could provide valuable information on how extended spaceflight affects the brain and support the development of countermeasures.

The Plant Responses Against the Stresses of Microgravity and High Ultraviolet Radiation in Space (Plant UV-B) investigation examines how stress from microgravity, UV radiation, and the combination of the two affect plants at the molecular, cellular, and whole organism levels. This research is crucial for understanding plant growth in space and supporting improvements in plant cultivation technologies for future missions to the Moon and Mars.

Mitigating Headward Fluid Shifts with Veno-constrictive Thigh Cuffs During Spaceflight (Thigh Cuff) is an investigation aimed at determining whether thigh pressure cuffs could provide a simple way to counteract the shift of body fluids and protect astronauts from Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS) and other health issues on future missions to the Moon and Mars. Thigh cuffs could also help treat or prevent problems for patients with conditions on Earth that cause fluid accumulation in the body, such as long-term bedrest and diseases.

Arthrospira-C, an investigation from the European Space Agency (ESA), analyzes how the cyanobacterium Limnospira responds to spaceflight conditions and whether it produces the same quantity and quality of oxygen and biomass in space as on Earth. These microalgae, also known as Spirulina, could be used to remove carbon dioxide exhaled by astronauts and produce oxygen and fresh food as part of life support systems on future missions. Correct predictions of oxygen and biomass yields are essential for designing life support systems using bioprocesses. Spirulina has also been shown to have radioprotective properties and could help protect space travelers from cosmic radiation, as well as conserve healthy tissue in patients undergoing radiation treatment on Earth.

The HBOND investigation involves the creation of organoids using cells from individuals with Parkinson’s disease, primary progressive multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. These organoids are made using patient-derived iPSCs, which are then differentiated into various cell types found in the human brain. The organoids are grown in a three-dimensional environment that mimics the structure and function of the human brain. The sixth space station organoid investigation funded by the National Stem Cell Foundation, HBOND includes for the first time Alzheimer’s iPSCs and testing of the effects of drugs in development to treat neuroinflammation.

The Plant UV-B investigation examines how stress from microgravity, UV radiation, and the combination of the two affect plants at the molecular, cellular, and whole organism levels. The study uses the Plant Experiment Unit (PEU) hardware to grow and study plants in space. The results could increase our understanding of plant growth in space and support improvements in plant cultivation technologies for future missions to the Moon and Mars.

The Thigh Cuff investigation aims to determine whether thigh pressure cuffs could provide a simple way to counteract the shift of body fluids and protect astronauts from Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS) and other health issues on future missions to the Moon and Mars. The study uses a person wearing black shorts lying on a white sheet with a thigh cuff around their upper leg. The cuff is blue with a black Velcro attachment and is labeled “left.” A test subject wears the device pre-flight to assess its effectiveness.

The Arthrospira-C investigation analyzes how the cyanobacterium Limnospira responds to spaceflight conditions and whether it produces the same quantity and quality of oxygen and biomass in space as on Earth. The study uses a hand holding a square silver device about the size of a paperback book with a button in the middle of its bottom half and two labels in the upper left corner. The container on the space station for Arthrospira-B, an investigation previous to Art-C, is shown for comparison.

In conclusion, NASA Space Station Research Expedition 71 represents a significant step forward in our understanding of neuroinflammation, plant growth, positive pressure countermeasures, and edible algae as potential life support systems for future space missions. The results of these investigations could lead to improved diagnostics, insights into the effects of aging, accelerated drug discovery, and the identification of therapeutic targets for patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, they could increase our understanding of plant growth in space, support improvements in plant cultivation technologies, and provide valuable information on how extended spaceflight affects the brain and support the development of countermeasures.

The HBOND investigation, Plant UV-B investigation, Thigh Cuff investigation, and Arthrospira-C investigation all contribute to NASA’s mission to explore the unknown, innovate for the benefit of humanity, and inspire the world through discovery. These studies represent a testament to the power of scientific research and the importance of continued exploration and innovation in the field of space science.

NASA’s Space Station Research Expedition 71 is a testament to the agency’s commitment to advancing our understanding of the universe and improving life on Earth. Through these investigations, NASA continues to push the boundaries of what is possible and inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and explorers.

For more information on these and other scientific experiments conducted on the International Space Station, please visit the NASA website and explore the vast array of resources available to the public. By staying informed and engaged, we can all contribute to the ongoing mission of exploration and discovery.

NASA’s Space Station Research Expedition 71: A Journey of Discovery and Innovation

NASA’s Space Station Research Expedition 71 represents a significant step forward in our understanding of neuroinflammation, plant growth, positive pressure countermeasures, and edible algae as potential life support systems for future space missions. The results of these investigations could lead to improved diagnostics, insights into the effects of aging, accelerated drug discovery, and the identification of therapeutic targets for patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, they could increase our understanding of plant growth in space, support improvements in plant cultivation technologies, and provide valuable information on how extended spaceflight affects the brain and support the development of countermeasures.

The Human Brain Organoid Models for Neurodegenerative Disease & Drug Discovery (HBOND) investigation, led by Melissa Gaskill from the International Space Station Program Research Office at Johnson Space Center, focuses on creating organoids using patient-derived iPSCs from individuals with Parkinson’s disease, primary progressive multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. These organoids are grown in a three-dimensional environment that mimics the structure and function of the human brain. The sixth space station organoid investigation funded by the National Stem Cell Foundation, HBOND includes for the first time Alzheimer’s iPSCs and testing of the effects of drugs in development to treat neuroinflammation.

The Plant Responses Against the Stresses of Microgravity and High Ultraviolet Radiation in Space (Plant UV-B) investigation, led by researchers at NASA, examines how stress from microgravity, UV radiation, and the combination of the two affect plants at the molecular, cellular, and whole organism levels. The study uses the Plant Experiment Unit (PEU) hardware to grow and study plants in space. The results could increase our understanding of plant growth in space and support improvements in plant cultivation technologies for future missions to the Moon and Mars.

The Mitigating Headward Fluid Shifts with Veno-constrictive Thigh Cuffs During Spaceflight (Thigh Cuff) investigation, led by researchers at NASA, aims to determine whether thigh pressure cuffs could provide a simple way to counteract the shift of body fluids and protect astronauts from Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS) and other health issues on future missions to the Moon and Mars. The study uses a person wearing black shorts lying on a white sheet with a thigh cuff around their upper leg. The cuff is blue with a black Velcro attachment and is labeled “left.” A test subject wears the device pre-flight to assess its effectiveness.

The Arthrospira-C investigation, led by the European Space Agency (ESA), analyzes how the cyanobacterium Limnospira responds to spaceflight conditions and whether it produces the same quantity and quality of oxygen and biomass in space as on Earth. These microalgae, also known as Spirulina, could be used to remove carbon dioxide exhaled by astronauts and produce oxygen and fresh food as part of life support systems on future missions. Correct predictions of oxygen and biomass yields are essential for designing life support systems using bioprocesses. Spirulina has also been shown to have radioprotective properties and could help protect space travelers from cosmic radiation, as well as conserve healthy tissue in patients undergoing radiation treatment on Earth.

These investigations represent a significant step forward in our understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by space travel and the potential for scientific discoveries and technological innovations. By continuing to explore the unknown and push the boundaries of what is possible, NASA and its partners are inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers, and explorers and contributing to a brighter future for humanity.

For more information on these and other scientific experiments conducted on the International Space Station, please visit the NASA website and explore the vast array of resources available to the public. By staying informed and engaged, we can all contribute to the ongoing mission of exploration and discovery.

NASA’s Space Station Research Expedition 71: A Journey of Discovery and Innovation

NASA’s Space Station Research Expedition 71 represents a significant step forward in our understanding of neuroinflammation, plant growth, positive pressure countermeasures, and edible algae as potential life support systems for future space missions. The results of these investigations could lead to improved diagnostics, insights into the effects of aging, accelerated drug discovery, and the identification of therapeutic targets for patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, they could increase our understanding of plant growth in space, support improvements in plant cultivation technologies, and provide valuable information on how extended spaceflight affects the brain and support the development of countermeasures.

The Human Brain Organoid Models for Neurodegenerative Disease & Drug Discovery (HBOND) investigation, led by Melissa Gaskill from the International Space Station Program Research Office at Johnson Space Center, focuses on creating organoids using patient-derived iPSCs from individuals with Parkinson’s disease, primary progressive multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. These organoids are grown in a three-dimensional environment that mimics the structure and function of the human brain. The sixth space station organoid investigation funded by the National Stem Cell Foundation, HBOND includes for the first time Alzheimer’s iPSCs and testing of the effects of drugs in development to treat neuroinflammation.

The Plant Responses Against the Stresses of Microgravity and High Ultraviolet Radiation in Space (Plant UV-B) investigation, led by researchers at NASA, examines how stress from microgravity, UV radiation, and the combination of the two affect plants at the molecular, cellular, and whole organism levels. The study uses the Plant Experiment Unit (PEU) hardware to grow and study plants in space. The results could increase our understanding of plant growth in space and support improvements in plant cultivation technologies for future missions to the Moon and Mars.

The Mitigating Headward Fluid Shifts with Veno-constrictive Thigh Cuffs During Spaceflight (Thigh Cuff) investigation, led by researchers at NASA, aims to determine whether thigh pressure cuffs could provide a simple way to counteract the shift of body fluids and protect astronauts from Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS) and other health issues on future missions to the Moon and Mars. The study uses a person wearing black shorts lying on a white sheet with a thigh cuff around their upper leg. The cuff is blue with a black Velcro attachment and is labeled “left.” A test subject wears the device pre-flight to assess its effectiveness.

The Arthrospira-C investigation, led by the European Space Agency (ESA), analyzes how the cyanobacterium Limnospira responds to spaceflight conditions and whether it produces the same quantity and quality of oxygen and biomass in space as on Earth. These microalgae, also known as Spirulina, could be used to remove carbon dioxide exhaled by astronauts and produce oxygen and fresh food as part of life support systems on future missions. Correct predictions of oxygen and biomass yields are essential for designing life support systems using bioprocesses. Spirulina has also been shown to have radioprotective properties and could help protect space travelers from cosmic radiation, as well as conserve healthy tissue in patients undergoing radiation treatment on Earth.

These investigations represent a significant step forward in our understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by space travel and the potential for scientific discoveries and technological innovations. By continuing to explore the unknown and push the boundaries of what is possible, NASA and its partners are inspiring the next generation of scientists, engineers, and explorers and contributing to a brighter future for humanity.

For more information on these and other scientific experiments conducted on the International Space Station, please visit the NASA website and explore the vast array of resources available to the public. By staying informed and engaged, we can all contribute to the ongoing mission of exploration and discovery.

NASA’s Space Station Research Expedition 71: A Journey of Discovery and Innovation

NASA’s Space Station Research Expedition 71 represents a significant step forward in our understanding of neuroinflammation, plant growth, positive pressure countermeasures, and edible algae as potential life support systems for future space missions. The results of these investigations could lead to improved diagnostics, insights into the effects of aging, accelerated drug discovery, and the identification of therapeutic targets for patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, they could increase our understanding of plant growth in space, support improvements in plant cultivation technologies, and provide valuable information on how extended spaceflight affects the brain and support the development of countermeasures.

The Human Brain Organoid Models for Neurodegenerative Disease & Drug Discovery (HBOND) investigation, led by Melissa Gaskill from the International Space Station Program Research Office at Johnson Space Center, focuses on creating organoids using patient-derived iPSCs from individuals with Parkinson’s disease, primary progressive multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. These organoids are grown in a three-dimensional environment that mimics the structure and function of the human brain. The sixth space station organoid investigation funded by the National Stem Cell Foundation, HBOND includes for the first time Alzheimer’s iPSCs and testing of the effects of drugs in development to treat neuroinflammation.

The Plant Responses Against the Stresses of Microgravity and High Ultraviolet Radiation in Space (Plant UV-B) investigation, led by researchers at NASA, examines how stress from microgravity, UV radiation, and the combination of the two affect plants at the molecular, cellular, and whole organism levels. The study uses the Plant Experiment Unit (PEU) hardware to grow and study plants in space. The results could increase our understanding of plant growth in space and support improvements in plant cultivation technologies for future missions to the Moon and Mars.

The Mitigating Headward Fluid Shifts with Veno-constrictive Thigh Cuffs During Spaceflight (Thigh Cuff) investigation, led by researchers at NASA, aims to determine whether thigh pressure cuffs could provide a simple way to counteract the shift of body fluids and protect astronauts from Spaceflight Associated Neuro-ocular Syndrome (SANS) and other health issues on future missions to the Moon and Mars. The study uses a person wearing black shorts lying on a white sheet with a thigh cuff around their upper leg. The cuff is blue with a black Velcro attachment and is labeled “left.” A test subject wears the device pre-flight to assess its effectiveness.

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