October 6, 2024

Gridlock in Washington: A State of Paralysis

3 min read

The current state of the United States government is one of gridlock, with every attempt to pass legislation or make progress on significant issues coming to a standstill. This situation is not new to the capital, built as it is on a divided government established by the founders. However, the hyper-partisan atmosphere that has become embedded in our culture, particularly during a momentous presidential election, has made things seem more dysfunctional than ever before.

One of the most pressing issues that has been stalled in Congress is immigration reform. The southern border has been a major liability for President Biden, who has failed to prevent record-setting waves of illegal migrants from flooding into the country. Despite his concessions in a compromise bill, which included the power to shut down the border if illegal crossings exceeded 5,000 a day, the former president and undisputed leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, urged his party to oppose it. This, in turn, led to the abandonment of the bill by a majority of Republicans.

Another major issue that has been shaping the 2024 election in unprecedented ways is the legal battles surrounding the former president. Two significant lawsuits, including one being heard by the Supreme Court, will determine the outcome of the election in ways that have never been considered before. The Trump team is attempting to convince the high court that Maine and Colorado acted illegally when they kicked the former president off the ballot. Meanwhile, the appellate court ruling states that Donald Trump cannot be shielded from prosecution by unlimited immunity, especially after leaving office.

The long-running battle over the southern border is equally divisive, and President Biden’s failure to address the issue effectively has been a significant liability. The signature issue that helped Trump get elected in 2016, the border issue has become a major point of contention between the two parties. Despite his concessions in the compromise bill, the president saw it as a tradeoff, with border security greasing the skids for long-stalled military aid to Israel and Ukraine.

However, the Republican Party, led by Trump, saw the bill as a death knell for their party and urged them to oppose it. This, in turn, led to the failure of the bill in the Senate. Speaker Mike Johnson, just a few months into the job, brought to the floor a stand-alone measure to provide billions to Israel, which also failed by a sizable margin. There is now chatter that Johnson could suffer the same fate as Kevin McCarthy.

Another attempt to impeach Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas, the first such attempt to oust a Cabinet officer in 150 years, also failed. Despite the media and those on the Hill believing it would be a slam dunk, the maneuver failed by two votes, with three dissenting Republicans saying it wasn’t fair to impeach Mayorkas for carrying out Biden’s policies.

As we move closer to the November elections, both in Congress and the courts, the gridlock in Washington shows no signs of abating. The situation is a far cry from the functioning government of the most powerful country on earth, leaving many to wonder what the future holds for the United States.

Howard Kurtz is the host of FOX News Channel’s MediaBuzz (Sundays 11 a.m.-12 p.m. ET). Based in Washington, D.C., he joined the network in July 2013 and regularly appears on Special Report with Bret Baier and other programs.

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