October 6, 2024

Republicans Propose Legislation to Prevent Foreign Adversaries from Buying US Land

4 min read

The issue of foreign ownership of US land has been a topic of concern for many Americans, particularly in the context of national security and economic interests. In recent years, there have been growing concerns about the extent of land ownership by foreign entities, particularly those from countries like China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. In response to these concerns, House Republicans have proposed legislation to prevent these countries’ nationals from purchasing public or private real estate in the United States.

The American Land and Property Protection Act, introduced by Rep. Mark Alford (R-Mo.), aims to prohibit nonresidents, businesses, agents, trustees, or fiduciaries associated with the governments of China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran from purchasing US land. The prohibition would extend to any entity designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the State Department.

Rep. Alford stated, “Foreign adversaries have no business owning American real estate. Right now, if Americans wanted to travel to Moscow, Beijing, or Havana, we would not be allowed to buy property. Why is the reverse scenario permissible? Our legislation will change that.” The bill was cosponsored by seven fellow House Republicans, including Reps. Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.), Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.), Randy Weber (R-Texas), Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.), August Pfluger (R-Texas), Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.), and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).

The legislation comes as Republicans continue to raise the alarm about the growing share of American real estate purchased and owned by foreign entities. Lawmakers have argued that such purchases could threaten US national security, agricultural production, and military interests if the land is located near a military base.

In January 2024, the US Government Accountability Office issued a report showing that the Department of Agriculture (USDA) had failed to consistently share timely data on foreign investments in US agricultural land as required under the 1978 Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act. The report also noted that the USDA needed to regularly provide more up-to-date and specific data.

Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) stated after the report was published, “Food security is national security, and we cannot allow foreign adversaries to influence our food supply while we stick our heads in the sand.” The USDA’s most recent data suggests that foreign investment in US agricultural land grew to approximately 40 million acres as of 2021. Chinese agricultural investment in the US increased tenfold between 2009 and 2016 alone.

In February 2023, officials in Grand Forks, North Dakota, rejected a Chinese company’s proposed corn mill that received significant local pushback over concerns about its proximity to a US Air Force base in the area. While the company, Chinese-owned Fufeng Group, was able to purchase 300 acres of land in the area, the local government rejected its building permits, effectively killing the project.

Air Force Assistant Secretary Andrew Hunter stated prior to the Grand Forks City Council decision that the project would pose a “significant threat” to national security, but that the Committee on Foreign Investment (CFIUS) concluded it did not have jurisdiction in the case. CFIUS is an interagency task force overseen by the Department of the Treasury and tasked with reviewing certain foreign investments that may pose a national security threat.

In August 2023, a subsidiary of Chinese green energy firm Gotion High-Tech purchased 270 acres of land, including some zoned for agricultural use, in Green Charter Township, Michigan. The land is slated to be used to build an electric vehicle battery component factory but is located within 60 miles of military armories and within 100 miles from Camp Grayling, the largest US National Guard training center in the country. CFIUS ruled in April 2023 that Gotion’s plans in Michigan are not covered transactions.

The American Land and Property Protection Act is a crucial first step in securing the homeland, according to Rep. Alford. The legislation is a response to the growing concern about foreign ownership of US land and the potential threats it poses to national security, agricultural production, and military interests. The bill is an important step in protecting American land and ensuring that it remains in the hands of American citizens.

In conclusion, the American Land and Property Protection Act is an important piece of legislation that aims to prevent foreign adversaries from purchasing US land. The bill is a response to growing concerns about the extent of foreign ownership of US land and the potential threats it poses to national security, agricultural production, and military interests. The legislation is a crucial first step in securing the homeland and ensuring that American land remains in the hands of American citizens. The bill is expected to receive strong support from Republicans and could be a significant step in addressing the issue of foreign ownership of US land.

The issue of foreign ownership of US land is a complex one that requires careful consideration and action. The American Land and Property Protection Act is an important step in addressing this issue and ensuring that American land remains in the hands of American citizens. The legislation is a crucial first step in securing the homeland and protecting American interests. As the debate continues, it is important to remember that American land is a valuable resource that must be protected from foreign adversaries. The American Land and Property Protection Act is an important piece of legislation that will help to achieve this goal.

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