September 20, 2024

Lawsuit Filed Against Ballot Initiative Restricting Cannabis Cultivation in Humboldt County

2 min read

A group of small marijuana farmers and the Humboldt County Growers Alliance have filed a lawsuit against the Humboldt County Registrar of Voters and County Clerk Juan Cervantes. The lawsuit aims to remove a ballot initiative scheduled for March 5th, 2023, which would impose significant restrictions on cannabis cultivation in Humboldt County, California.

The plaintiffs allege that the organizers of the ballot initiative used false and misleading information to gather the required number of signatures. They also argue that the full text of the initiative was not included as required by law. Humboldt County, known for being part of California’s Emerald Triangle, is a renowned agricultural region with a strong presence in the cannabis industry.

Natalynne DeLapp, Executive Director of the Humboldt County Growers Alliance, expressed her concerns about the initiative. She stated that if the signature-gathering efforts had been truthful, the initiative would not have made it to the ballot. DeLapp further emphasized that the initiative claims to protect small cannabis farmers and promote public participation. However, she believes it actually targets small cannabis farmers with a range of new restrictions, ultimately undermining the democratic process that election laws are meant to safeguard.

The initiative in question, known as Measure A or the Humboldt Cannabis Reform Initiative, gathered over 7,000 valid signatures, allowing it to qualify for the ballot. According to sources, Measure A includes a comprehensive list of business restrictions. These include limitations on cannabis cultivation, but the exact details have not been mentioned in the report.

The outcome of the lawsuit will have significant implications for the future of cannabis cultivation in Humboldt County. It remains to be seen whether the ballot initiative will remain on the March 2023 ballot or if it will be removed based on the allegations made by the lawsuit plaintiffs.

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