September 20, 2024

A Nostalgic Journey Through Another Code: Recollection

3 min read

Focus Reset: A New Perspective on an Old Classic

Another Code: Recollection is a remake of two classic Nintendo DS and Wii games, Trace Memory and Another Code R: Journey Into Lost Memories. This dual remake, developed by Arc System Works, brings these niche puzzle adventure games into the modern era with revamped exploration, a new third-person perspective, and a reworked script featuring decent voice acting. The developers’ clear love for Another Code shines through in this remake, making it a must-play for fans of the series and newcomers alike.

A New Ashley Mizuki Robins

Another Code: Recollection follows the endearing teenager Ashley Mizuki Robins as she works to uncover forgotten memories from her childhood. The game treats the two halves of the story as one cohesive narrative, allowing players to experience Ashley’s journey from start to finish. Ashley is a likable and relatable character, dealing with complex relationships and classic teenage clichés while also displaying emotional maturity and compassion beyond her years. Her story is engaging and heartfelt, making it a joy to follow her throughout the game.

A Modern Take on Classic Puzzles

Another Code: Recollection tosses away the outdated gameplay of the DS original and the strange point-and-click-sidescrolling hybrid of its Wii sequel, replacing them with a modern third-person perspective and fully explorable 3D areas. The game’s puzzles have been completely reworked, but they fail to live up to the hype. While there are a few interesting puzzles, most of them feel like fetch quests or checklists rather than actual challenges. The hint system, which allows players to turn hints on or off and choose the level of help they need, is a great feature, but it feels wasted on underwhelming puzzles.

A Predictable Story with Heart

The story in Another Code: Recollection is predictable, relying heavily on tired amnesia tropes. However, it still manages to capture the player’s attention thanks to its charming characters and engaging atmosphere. The puzzles may be lackluster, but the story is worth experiencing, especially for fans of the series. The reworked ending of Journey Into Lost Memories is a highlight, giving Ashley’s story a stronger, warmer, and more emotionally resonant sendoff.

A Nostalgic Journey Worth Taking

Another Code: Recollection may not be a perfect game, but it’s a nostalgic journey worth taking for fans of the series and newcomers alike. The game’s modernized exploration, charming characters, and engaging atmosphere make it a standout title in the adventure game genre. While the puzzles may be underwhelming, they don’t detract from the overall experience. Ashley’s story is heartfelt and engaging, making Another Code: Recollection a must-play for anyone looking for a relaxing and nostalgic adventure.

In conclusion, Another Code: Recollection is a nostalgic journey through the classic Nintendo DS and Wii games, Trace Memory and Another Code R: Journey Into Lost Memories. The game’s modernized exploration, charming characters, and engaging atmosphere make it a standout title in the adventure game genre, despite its underwhelming puzzles. Ashley’s story is heartfelt and engaging, making Another Code: Recollection a must-play for anyone looking for a relaxing and nostalgic adventure.

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