October 6, 2024

Ron DeSantis Braves Iowa Blizzard to Campaign Ahead of Caucuses

3 min read

Ron DeSantis, the Republican presidential candidate and Florida Governor, showed his determination and commitment to the Iowa caucuses by braving the harsh winter weather and holding an early morning campaign event in Ankeny, Iowa, on January 12, 2024. Despite the frigid temperatures, howling winds, and heavy snowfall, DeSantis was confident that his supporters would come out strong to support him.

The weather conditions in Iowa were brutal, with temperatures in the mid-teens, winds howling, and eight inches of snow already covering the roads, with more coming down. However, this did not deter DeSantis from holding his first campaign stop of the day, where he addressed a crowd of supporters at a meeting of the Northside Conservatives Club.

DeSantis was impressed by the turnout, despite the challenging weather conditions. He emphasized the importance of interacting with voters and converting people, which he believes helps his campaign. He also pledged to use every minute he could to win votes before the caucuses.

Despite the success of his first campaign stop, DeSantis’ remaining four stops in northern, central, and eastern Iowa were postponed due to the rough road conditions. His campaign, organized by Never Back Down, his aligned super PAC, was unable to hold in-person events. Instead, they opted for tele-town halls.

Another Republican presidential candidate, former Ambassador to the United Nations and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, also canceled her in-person events on Friday due to the weather. She emphasized the importance of talking to her supporters and held tele-town halls instead.

The latest polls in Iowa indicate that DeSantis and Haley are battling for a distant second place behind former President Donald Trump, who remains the commanding front-runner in the caucus and in national surveys. Haley has soared in recent months and closed the gap with Trump in New Hampshire, which holds the first primary and second overall contest in the GOP nominating calendar eight days after Iowa votes.

DeSantis has upped his criticism of Trump in his stump speeches and interviews, targeting Dr. Anthony Fauci, who served as the public face of the White House efforts to battle the coronavirus during the Trump presidency. DeSantis has long targeted Fauci and argues that Trump elevated him. Trump’s campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, responded by charging that DeSantis and his entire campaign is a “gaslight” of the American people.

Despite the challenges posed by the weather, DeSantis remained committed to campaigning in Iowa and using every minute to win votes. He headed over to his campaign headquarters in suburban Des Moines in the afternoon to speak with volunteers who were making calls to urge supporters to attend Monday’s caucuses.

The Iowa caucuses are a significant event in the Republican nominating calendar, and candidates often put in a lot of effort to win the support of Iowa voters. The blizzard conditions did not deter DeSantis from campaigning, and his determination and commitment to the caucuses were evident in his early morning campaign stop.

In conclusion, Ron DeSantis braved the Iowa blizzard to campaign ahead of the caucuses, demonstrating his determination and commitment to the Iowa voters. Despite the challenging weather conditions, he held an early morning campaign event and pledged to use every minute to win votes before the caucuses. His remaining campaign stops were postponed due to the rough road conditions, but he remained committed to campaigning in Iowa and using every minute to win votes. The Iowa caucuses are a significant event in the Republican nominating calendar, and DeSantis’ efforts to win the support of Iowa voters were evident in his early morning campaign stop.

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