October 5, 2024

American Opinion on Israeli Conflict

3 min read

A recent CBS News/YouGov survey conducted with a nationally representative sample of 1,878 U.S. adult residents revealed the sentiment of Americans regarding the current conflict between Israel and Palestine. According to the survey, Americans overwhelmingly express sympathy for the Israeli people, and there is widespread support for sending humanitarian aid to the affected areas.

However, when it comes to the approach taken by President Biden in addressing the conflict, opinions are more divided. While a plurality of respondents believe that President Biden has shown the right amount of support for Israel, his approach receives only a mixed response. This response is underpinned by broad public concern about the prospects of a wider war in the region and potential terrorism within the United States.

Amidst this uncertainty, there is a consensus in favor of the U.S. engaging in diplomacy to resolve the conflict. However, when asked about sending weapons to Israel, opinions are split among Americans. President Biden’s overall handling of the situation is viewed negatively, though slightly higher than his overall presidential approval rating.

When examining partisan differences, it is notable that Republicans generally disapprove of President Biden’s handling of the conflict. They tend to feel that his recent statements and actions have not shown enough support for Israel. Interestingly, however, Republicans give President Biden relatively better marks on handling the conflict compared to his overall job approval. While most Democrats believe that President Biden is showing the right amount of support for Israel, nearly three in 10 Democrats think he has shown too much support. These individuals would like him to do more to encourage a diplomatic solution.

Among those who believe that President Biden is not showing enough support for Israel, when asked about specific actions he could take to demonstrate this support, the majority say they would like him to be more critical of Hamas’ actions. Others simply state that they do not agree with his approach in handling the conflict.

It is worth noting that the survey was conducted both before, during, and after President Biden’s visit to Israel. However, there is no evidence to suggest that the trip had any effect on public opinion regarding the conflict or President Biden’s approval rating, which remains at 40%, the same as last month.

Regarding what the U.S. should do in response to the conflict, there is a strong consensus among Americans in favor of engaging in diplomacy with countries in the region and sending humanitarian aid to Israel. Additionally, many Americans also express a willingness to provide aid to the Palestinians.

Within President Biden’s own party, the Democrats, there is a divide on whether the U.S. should send weapons and supplies to Israel. Conversely, a slight majority of Republicans are in favor of providing such support. Democrats who do not believe the U.S. should send weapons and supplies to Israel are less approving of President Biden’s handling of the conflict compared to Democrats who do support such action.

Overall, the survey highlights the complex and nuanced opinions of Americans on the Israeli conflict. While there is overwhelming sympathy for the Israeli people and support for humanitarian aid, there are divergent views on President Biden’s approach, the role of diplomacy, and the provision of weapons and supplies to Israel.

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